Since 2019, the Alberta government has short-changed Edmonton over $80 million.

When the province doesn't pay, you foot their bill.
We don't think that is fair.

The Fair Compensation Project is an advocacy tool for Edmontonians who want to take action to make sure all orders of government are paying their fair share for municipal services.

This project contains a history of changes to municipal funding structures, information on the impacts of costs downloaded to cities, and ways to take action.

Stay tuned to this site for updates and additional campaigns that will focus on ensuring Edmonton taxpayers stop subsidizing other governments use of municipal services.

The first item included in the Fair Compensation Project is the Province’s reduction of Grants-in-Place-of-Taxes.

Most people don’t have the choice not to pay their property taxes. But the Alberta Government is choosing not to pay their fair share. 
Provincial buildings get the same quality municipal services that all buildings receive but they only pay half the cost.
The Provincial government is asking other residents to cover their bill, even though they’re on track to post a $3 billion surplus this year.
We’re asking the Province to pay their fair share of the Grants in Place of Taxes (GIPOT) program across Alberta, retroactive to 2019. 

Without public pressure, the province will continue to skip out on their bill, costing you more.